Prometheus Promoted via TEDTalk 2023

Ridley Scott, creator of The Alien Franchise has a new movie scheduled for release in June this year. There is much excitement and a distinct air of mystery surrounding the storyline of Prometheus (initially meant to be a prequel to Alien).

Ridley Scott promotes Prometheus using TED

Director, Ridley Scott and screenwriter, Damon Lindelhof wrote a unique talk which is only being shown on the TED (technology, education, design) website. Using TED as a platform is truly a stroke of creative genius…or is it? This is unchartered territory.

The widespread benefits of using TED

TED is about spreading new ideas and so is this new epic science fiction movie, Prometheus – due for release in June 2012. The classic win-win situation is that individuals anticipating the release of this movie may discover the new land of TED – while Ridley Scott’s Prometheus has the almost prestigious branding of TED attached to it.

Not only is it a TEDTalk but it is one envisioned to be projected from the future – from March 2023 to be exact.

TEDTalk inspires one to think about new ideas and to speak about them – enabling Prometheus’s release to be spoken about within a greater sphere of influence. It makes one think of how you cannot wait to chat about a particularly thought provoking movie, just after watching it. Ridley Scott, in essence, plays with the timeline here as he is already inspiring people to talk about the ideas within the movie BEFORE they even see it. This is potentially a very powerful concept.

Where to access this TEDTalk

The TEDTalk is now accessible via the TED website and is titled: TEDTalk 2023. The talk is given by the British-born Australian actor Guy Pierce as his character in the movie, Peter Weyland – a character initially introduced in the Alien franchise almost 20 years ago. It stars Noomi Rapace (from Girl with The Dragon Tatoo), Michael Fassbender (the young Magneto in X-men: First Class), Guy Pearce (L.A. Confidential) and Charlize Theron (from Monster) only to name a few.

Ridley Scott’s decision to promote Prometheus using TED could go down in history as a very sophisticated way to create awareness…with simple storytelling.