Listen to the Radio

Downloading music illegally is becoming a big problem around the world.  People are no longer satisfied with buying cds, they want free online music that they can download at the stroke of a keyboard.  An astounding number of people do this every day, and think nothing of it.  People don’t consider it wrong, everyone else is doing it, so why shouldn’t they?  It is not looked at as illegal, which it is.  The industry is cracking down on sights that allow people to download free music illegally.  Several popular sights have been shut down within the past year or two.  And several people have been caught downloading music and have had to pay fines.

But people continue to download music.  People love music, and music is expensive, unless you are listening to it over the radio.  But if you want to own the music, cds and itunes are pretty expensive.  The best option for people who don’t have enough money to buy music, but don’t want to download music illegally, is to listen to online radio.  Several radio stations broadcast over the internet, and can be listened to anywhere in the world from a computer.  There are also radio sites that allow you to combine all your favorite music, or to indicate your music preferences, and listen to them all you like streaming online.   People don’t have to download illegal music, there are other ways to get access to music that will not get you in trouble.