Gwyneth Paltrow Wants to Separate Her Personal Brand From Goop

nfrfilm july 2016

Article Written by : Kid Stuf

GOOP is a lifestyle website that is curated by Gwyneth Paltrow. They describe themselves as a modern lifestyle brand that is built on a digital platform. GOOP is now famous for some very controversial articles and recommendations. These ranged from trying to connect the underwire bra with breast cancer, to the more controversial encouragement of women to steam their uterus.

Paltrow would like to move GOOP away from her personal brand, which she founded in 2008. She spoke at the Sage Summit in Chicago and said  “In order to build the brand I want to build, its scalability is limited if I connect it to the brand,” she said. “So I always think, ‘How can I grow the brand? How can I separate myself from the brand? And I think it’s going to be more its own brand.”

Right now the brand is tied to her name directly. The website itself runs her name is in the title. However, for fashion and lifestyle, being associated with a popular celebrity is essential to drive its initial growth.

She feels that GOOP must evolve and not be constrained by being identified with her. There will be limited growth if it is tied to her own brand. She explained that she definitely does still want to be part of the business, and it is the challenge and learning curve of running it that drives her. None of this is likely to happen until the brand reaches levels of awareness to stand on its own.